Wednesday 17 August 2011


Last night I played in the snow.  I played with my friend Sharanya.  We played snow fights and we made a snowman.  My friend Mateney and Nena helped me. It was shiny and beautiful yellow.
By Alyssa

On Sunday it was snowing.  Our next door neighbour told us that it was snowing.  We made a snowman.  We had a snowball fight.  On Room 11 and the PE shed the snow was amazing.  I like the snow.  It was shining on the roof.  My Mum put the snow pictures on facebook!  I put my mac pak jacket on.
By Paige

I throw a snowball to A.J. I throw a snowball to my Mum.
By Alicia

Last night it was snowing.  It was fun.  It is freezing.  I played snow fights.  It falls from the sky.  It is white.  I like it.  It looks beautiful. When you stamp on it, it crunches.
By Liam

We had a snowball fight.  My Dad threw a big snowball.  My hands got very cold.  I stomp on the snow.  It made a crunching noise.

Yesterday I played with my Dad and I took a photo of me and my Dad and my sister.  I play snow fights and I made a snow man.
By Tammy

I got on T.V because me and my Dad saw a man and he talked to us and then we got on T.V.
By Kady

The snow is crunchy.  At my home I took a look out my window and my Mum and Dad came to my house.  My dog got to come inside and it was warm.

By Chai

The ice was freezing and it was cold.  It was fun and we saw a big snowball on the ice.  There was snow  on  the PE shed.
By Fynn

Yesterday it was snowing.  I played with my sister and snow.  I loved the snow.  It was snowing down hard.
By Stephanie

Snow is fun and snow is fun to play with.  The snow was crunchy and I made a snowman and we played snow fighting and we took pictures.
By Anahera

Yesterday I played in the snow.  It was fun.  It crunches.  I had a snowball fight and I turned five and a half yesterday.
By Zach

On Sunday with our next door neighbour we played snowball fight and Kiera and Nimh made a snowman.  My hands were wet and I had socks on my hands.
By Declan

In the weekend I made a snowman with my Mum and my Dad and my little sister.  The snow was crunchy.
By Anahera K

Yesterday I can see lots of snow.  I go outside. Snows comes from clouds and I am going home because I’m going to get cold.
By Nurul

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