Monday 4 July 2011

Measurement day photos

measurement day

On Friday we had measurement day. We weighed lots of different things. Here are some of the things that we enjoyed.

On measurement day I liked going to Room 11. We made chocolate fudge. It was yummy.

On measurement day I liked cooking chocolate fudge with Ms Welch. At home I want to cook with my Mum. Sometimes my Dad cooks. One day I am going to cook with my Mum and Dad.

On measurement day I liked the chocolate fudge and I liked mixing the chocolate fudge.

On measurement day I liked Room 12 and Room 11 and Room 9 and Room 10. We measured blocks in Room 12.

On measurement day I liked it in Room 9. We had to see how heavy things were.

On measurement day I made a recipe with Ms Welch.

On measurement day I liked going to Room 11. In Room 11 we had to make chocolate fudge and it was fun. I liked it.

On measurement day I liked cooking with Ms Welch. It was fun.

On measurement day I made chocolate fudge.

I liked going to room 12 and Room 11 and Room 9 and Room 10.

On measurement day I liked the cooking.

On measurement day I went to Room 11 and I made chocolate fudge in Room 11.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Environmental Art - Andy Goldsworthy inspired art.

We have been looking at art by Andy Goldsworthy. Andy makes art out of things that he finds outside. He makes his art and then takes a photograph of it. He then leaves it to blow away. Check out some of his amazing art by clinking on the link below.