Friday 22 June 2012

R is for ... rabbit, rocks, rainbows and racing clouds..

The letter of the week this week was the letter r.   We did lots of fun activities. In reading wheel we did a word find.  We had to look for words that started with the letter r. We made colourful rainbows and drew our own rabbits.  We played with racing cars and wrote about rabbits and rocks. We read a book about racing clouds and then we looked outside at the clouds. It is cool to look at the clouds and see if you can spot a crocodile or an elephant hiding in them!    

Mathletics champions in Room 11 this week is.
1st Samuel
2nd Toby
3rd Aaliyah

Friday 15 June 2012

M is for MONSTER.... and MUM ... and MATHLETICS

This week was 'M week'. We did lots of fun things. We wrote about monsters! We wrote about helping our mums. We drew pictures of our monsters and our mums. Come and see our monster art in our classroom. Technology We have also started to play with newspaper. We found out that you can do lots of things with newspaper. We rolled, cut and ripped newspaper. We really liked folding the newspaper and then cutting little bits out of it. We opened it up and the holes made cool shapes. Mathletics Congratulations this week go to. 1st Toby 2nd Sam 3rd Ebony Well done children!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Mathletics - Week 7 Term 2

We have started to play on mathletics as a class to see how quick we can play against the rest of the world. On Friday afternoon our class came 1st. We are getting quicker at solving addition sums to 10! Congratulations to the children below. They got the most points in mathletics this week. 1st Sam 2nd Toby 3rd Kennedy-Grace

Production 2012

Our production was fantastic. We could not have done it without our wonderful parents in Room 11. Thank you to everyone. We will remember this production forever!