Sunday 9 September 2012

Book Character Day 2012

 Room 11 all dressed up as our favourite book characters.

Book Character Parade ...

Marching off the stage after showing off our  fabulous costumes!

We had a great time with Room 4.  They read us stories that they made up all by themselves!

At the book swap with Ms Wilson!

Friday 17 August 2012

Our whole class reading a big book

We hope you enjoy our recording that we did today!

Week 5

Today was our assembly.  During the week we had been practising every day for our PMP Spectacular.
We showed some of the skills that we have learned in PMP.  We did a great job!  Thank you to all our parents, grandparents, caregivers and sisters and brothers for coming to see us.

Our letter of the week was g.  We wrote stories about a giant that     we learned about when we read our big book. We drew pictures of   our giants. We got really excited when we got to record our stories   into a special microphone! 

Sunday 12 August 2012

Calendar Art

We have had a great time creating our art for our calendars.  We put them all together and took a photo.  We are really proud of our flowers and we think they look great!  We think they will make great calendars!  Don't forget to come and see them at the office.

It was great creating our calendars.  During maths time we found out how to rotate objects and this is how we made our petals!
It was great to have parents, grandparents and caregivers at our technology challenge afternoon last term.  Sorry it took so long but here are some wonderful photos that we are sure everyone will enjoy.

Technology challenge - Marshmallows!

 Ben and his parents hard at work creating their marshmallow tower!

  Wow -  This tower is tall!
 Heads down and hard at 
work ...
 You need to be careful where you stick the marshmallows!

Lots of hands helping makes the job easier !

It's great to have lots of help!

Tuesday 17 July 2012


I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday.  We have had a great start to term 3. Today we had lots of parents in helping us with PMP in the hall.  We had a great time jumping, rolling, crawling and throwing.  Thank you to all the parents.

A special welcome to Daphne who has just joined our class. It is going to be great having you in Room 11.

We are also getting the outside of our classroom painted.  The painters are doing a great job!

Friday 22 June 2012

R is for ... rabbit, rocks, rainbows and racing clouds..

The letter of the week this week was the letter r.   We did lots of fun activities. In reading wheel we did a word find.  We had to look for words that started with the letter r. We made colourful rainbows and drew our own rabbits.  We played with racing cars and wrote about rabbits and rocks. We read a book about racing clouds and then we looked outside at the clouds. It is cool to look at the clouds and see if you can spot a crocodile or an elephant hiding in them!    

Mathletics champions in Room 11 this week is.
1st Samuel
2nd Toby
3rd Aaliyah

Friday 15 June 2012

M is for MONSTER.... and MUM ... and MATHLETICS

This week was 'M week'. We did lots of fun things. We wrote about monsters! We wrote about helping our mums. We drew pictures of our monsters and our mums. Come and see our monster art in our classroom. Technology We have also started to play with newspaper. We found out that you can do lots of things with newspaper. We rolled, cut and ripped newspaper. We really liked folding the newspaper and then cutting little bits out of it. We opened it up and the holes made cool shapes. Mathletics Congratulations this week go to. 1st Toby 2nd Sam 3rd Ebony Well done children!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Mathletics - Week 7 Term 2

We have started to play on mathletics as a class to see how quick we can play against the rest of the world. On Friday afternoon our class came 1st. We are getting quicker at solving addition sums to 10! Congratulations to the children below. They got the most points in mathletics this week. 1st Sam 2nd Toby 3rd Kennedy-Grace

Production 2012

Our production was fantastic. We could not have done it without our wonderful parents in Room 11. Thank you to everyone. We will remember this production forever!

Saturday 12 May 2012

We read a book about Greedy Cat and below you will find our writing about Greedy Cat.

Greedy cat has a fat tail. Greedy cat is fat.  Greedy cat has a stripy tail and Greedy cat has long whiskers.
Greedy cat is cute.  He is fat and he has stripes on his tail.  His tummy is fat.

Greedy cat is a fat cat and he doesn’t like broccoli so he went to the school and he ate the children’s food.  The next day Greedy cat went to school and ate the children’s food. The children went back to school.

Greedy cat is big and fat.  He is so fat and big.  He likes to eat the children’s food.

Greedy cat is stripy and he doesn’t like broccoli. He is a ginger colour.

Greedy cat is a fat cat.  He eats too much food.  He has long whiskers.  He always eats food.  He has a stripy tail.

Greedy cat is fat.  Greedy cat has whiskers.  Greedy cat went to the school and had some food.  I like Greedy cat.  Greedy cat has a stripy tail.  Greedy cat doesn’t like broccoli.

Greedy cat is too fat.  He is so fat! Greedy cat is 5.  Greedy cat is cute.

Greedy cat is a big cat.  I like him.  He has black stripes.

Greedy cat does not like broccoli and cat biscuits.  Greedy cat has stripes.

I like my Greedy cat.  Greedy cat is fat.  My Greedy cat is fat.  Greedy cat likes to play outside!

Greedy cat is a fat cat.  He is a big fat cat! I like Greedy cat.

Greedy cat is a fat cat.  He is so fat he can barely walk at all.  He is greedy.  Katy loves Greedy at.

 Greedy cat has a fat tail.  It is stripy.  He has fat legs.  He has long whiskers.  He went to school to get some food.

Greedy cat is a fat cat.

Greedy cat has a tail. He has stripes.  He has a big belly.

Greedy cat is a fat cat.  He has a stripy tail.

Greedy cat is fat.  He has whiskers.  Greedy cat does not like broccoli.  He tail sticks up.  He is yellow.  His tail is stripy.  He likes to eat cat food!
Kennedy Grace

Greedy cat is a fat cat and does not like broccoli.  He always wants food. His tail is fat! Greedy cat is a very fat cat.

Assembly item photos

Here we are performing our item at assembly. We were roots!

Here we are with the junior syndicate singing a song about plants and how to look after them.

Friday 6 April 2012

Happy Holidays

I hope everyone has a great holiday and look forward to seeing you next term.
Our assembly item was fantastic - well done everyone.   Pictures to follow soon ...

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Athletics Day 2012

Thank you to everyone that came and supported us at athletics day.  The weather was great and we had a fun day.  Today we wrote about the day.
The vortex was great and it was very good. I like it.  When the vortex landed it made a whistle.   

I like the quoits because it was fun and I liked the high jump.  It was fun and also I like the vortex.

Vortex was great! I like vortex. I threw the vortex far! Jayden

I had to run to the finish and my mum was cheering for me.  I came second. I liked vortex and my mum was with me.

I like the high jump the best because I had to jump. I liked the race too.  I heard my mum clap.

I like the vortex. It was fun and great! I like vortex and my mum was there.  She cheered for me.

I like high jump.  I win the race.

I liked the high jump because it was fun and it was easy.  I jumped up high.

High jump was super fun.  I like it.  My mum came to the race and clapped.

I loved running with Mrs Debney because my mum went “go Grace go Grace!”  and she took a photo. Grace

Sack races were fun.  My mum helped me get into my sack.  My mum took videos.  My mum said “Go Hayley Scott!”

Vortex was great and we had to listen to the teacher.  It was fun! I wonder what you had to do. You had to throw it with all of your power.  Asha

I can throw my vortex and my mum cheered me on.  Deven

Jelly Pictures - We made out own jelly during j week!

Sunday 19 February 2012


We are fantastic at playing the recorder.  We are practising !!!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Welcome to Room 11

Welcome to Room 11.  I am looking forward to getting to know your children over the next few weeks.  We have lots of exciting activities planned for the term.  

Ms Jennifer Welch