Tuesday 31 May 2011

I look outside my window ...

 At writing time today we closed our eyes and thought about what we could see when we look out our bedroom windows.  Below you will find the fantastic writing that we did.
I look at the house.

When I look out my window I see my neighbour’s house.  I am allowed in their house. When it’s raining he takes me and Haylee to school and when it’s sunny I like going to their house! It is fun at their house.  I like my neighbour’s house.

When I look out my window I see a plane.  Me and my sister sleep in the toy room by ourselves. It is fun for me.  I see stars out my window.  Then I go to bed, I sleep on my right and I see butterflies too!  Do you see butterflies when you are sleeping?

When I look outside my windows I see cows.

When I look out my window I see people walking out in the cold and I see the trees.

When I look out my window I see cows, like Layla too because we have cows.  They eat grass.

When I look out my window I see Matariki and shooting stars and comets.

When I look out my window I can see houses and I can see my brother playing outside and he is playing soccer.

When I look out my window I can see my backyard.

When I look out my window I can see next door and I can see my cows and I can see the trees.  I can see my cows and they eat grass.

When I look out my window I see trees.  They are moving green leaves.

When I look out my window I see my cat and I see my Mum and Dad.  My cat is running and my Mum and Dad are doing gardening.

When I look out my window I see thunder and I go back to sleep and when I look out the window again I see the sun.  I hear the alarm and I wake up.  I eat my breakfast and I go to school and I go back to my house and play stickman and then I play a different game.

When I look out my window I see my cat and I see my dog.  See the big cat and my dog going up.  My cat went to play on the fence.  It is fun for the cat.

When I look outside my window I can see a butterfly and it is yellow and it is purple.  I saw another one in the trees and it had pink and it was pretty.

When I look out my window I see my car because it is by me.

When I look out my window I can see stars and aliens in their ship, and a planet.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Week 2 - We are quiet ...

This week we thought about a time that we had been quiet. First we wrote about it and then we drew pictures. Come and check out our stories in Room 11.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Week 1

We had a good week in Room 11. The children spent the week learning the routines of life in Room 11 and have settled in nicely. It was great getting to know the children more and also meeting parents. We encourage you to come and have a look at our classroom if you have not done so already. We love sharing all the work that we have done.