Sunday 9 September 2012

Book Character Day 2012

 Room 11 all dressed up as our favourite book characters.

Book Character Parade ...

Marching off the stage after showing off our  fabulous costumes!

We had a great time with Room 4.  They read us stories that they made up all by themselves!

At the book swap with Ms Wilson!

Friday 17 August 2012

Our whole class reading a big book

We hope you enjoy our recording that we did today!

Week 5

Today was our assembly.  During the week we had been practising every day for our PMP Spectacular.
We showed some of the skills that we have learned in PMP.  We did a great job!  Thank you to all our parents, grandparents, caregivers and sisters and brothers for coming to see us.

Our letter of the week was g.  We wrote stories about a giant that     we learned about when we read our big book. We drew pictures of   our giants. We got really excited when we got to record our stories   into a special microphone! 

Sunday 12 August 2012

Calendar Art

We have had a great time creating our art for our calendars.  We put them all together and took a photo.  We are really proud of our flowers and we think they look great!  We think they will make great calendars!  Don't forget to come and see them at the office.

It was great creating our calendars.  During maths time we found out how to rotate objects and this is how we made our petals!
It was great to have parents, grandparents and caregivers at our technology challenge afternoon last term.  Sorry it took so long but here are some wonderful photos that we are sure everyone will enjoy.